About Us

We are providing products, services, and solutions of precision metal products and assemblies to the Aerospace, Defence, Medical, Automotive, Industrial, Fabrication and Manufacturing Industries.

Corporate Social Responsibility.

Adas High Precision comprehends its responsibilities to act capably, morally and with uprightness in its collaborations with all Partners and the environment.
We ensure the nature of our administration frameworks. We effectively drive best practice, through the use of ethical Sales and purchasing policies.
We are diverse and believe in equality among all human beings irrespective of gender, race and religion.
Adas High Precision focuses on being open and straightforward in light of a legitimate concern for advancing best practices.

Our Vision & Mission

ADAS is committed to flawless service and corporate integrity.

To be the world’s leading supplier for precisely manufactured products with the highest quality and status.

Ensuring customer satisfaction and long lasting relationship with all our clients by providing them their expected quality of products and delivery time.